Monday, January 19, 2009

Technology- friend or foe?

I love gadgets. If you're one of my friends, you probably love gadgets too. Technology is the cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems. Most of the time we adore our tech, lovingly petting our plasmas, complimenting our laptops, or leaving love notes to our receivers (or is that just me?).

Despite doting over our digital diversions, the sad truth is that every now and then something goes wrong. Sometimes very wrong. For example, a certain budding internet superstar's laptop has the delightful habit of randomly shutting off. Others are far worse. I came across this video of a poor subway patron finding out firsthand how much his commitment to gaming can cost. [Turns out this is a viral video and does not involve an iPhone.] Here's an example of the evil wrought upon humanity by addictive gaming (feel free to partially cover your eyes).

In some nightmare scenarios there is a disastrous collision of bad tech and brute force. In others, the results are not so terrible, like here (Warning: NSFW for language).

While technology normally inspires insane loyalty like this, we must always remember that this can also happen.

Talk about a love/hate relationship.

I went to grad school just a little too early

I came across this article a week ago and wanted to bring it to your attention. First car engineering, now this...

For those too lazy to read the article, Potsdam University near Berlin is offering a Master's level course for IT students focused on how to avoid being socially awkward. Students learn to flirt through text messages and emails, impress people at parties, and deal with rejection.


The logical follow-up, of course, is trying to figure out how to get students to study for this in between campaigns of World of Warcraft.

Friday, January 16, 2009

More nimble than Mathletes?

Over the years I've endured my share of mockery picking apart my nerdy high school days. Everyone gets tortured a little bit while trying to find their identity, but I did a particularly good job of making it as awkward as possible. "How?" you ask? Dungeons & Dragons? No...well, yes, but even worse... I played chess. Not your casual game either, I'm talking about varsity tournaments all over the country. Seriously. I have the trophies to prove it.

Personally, I think that chess gets a bad rap. We were not all smelly, anti-social losers. Granted, most of us were, but not everyone. And I have proof. Take a gander at this article from the world's most trusted news source, The Miami New Times.

See? Told you. You stand corrected. Now if you'll excuse me, I believe there's a Harry Potter marathon on today.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Yahoo Answers ROCKS

I don't know how I managed to miss it for all of these years, but Yahoo Answers may be the second most entertaining thing on the internet (after The Daily Agitator of course). For those of you who aren't familiar, Yahoo Answers is a forum for users to submit questions on a variety of topics and receive answers from its almost entirely uneducated user base.

Yes, this is as awesome as it sounds. I highly recommend wasting at least 30 minutes randomly searching for horrible answers to horrible questions.

Now many of you may doubt the heights of amusement that I am evangelizing here. That's understandable of course, and I suspected that you would. That's why I've prepared several examples below to prove my point. Enjoy:

Exhibit 1: Since when is being good...bad?

Translation: All of your friends have burning pee, but you don't. Are YOU weird?

Answer: Yeah, you might not want to take advice from your friends.

Exhibit 2: If you pose this question, chances are you have bigger problems.

Translation: Your parents ignore you, you crave attention, and you're creatively masochistic...

Answer: This one had several great answers ranging from two seconds to 13.3 minutes
(give or take 2.8 minutes for having long hair)

Exhibit 3: It took until you were 15?!?

Translation: I'm pubescent. WTF?

Answer a: Not sure this solves the problem, but it's sweet to offer.

Answer b: This answer has it all- a pun, statistical evidence, clarity on sexual orientation- we have a...weener? Oh snap!

Exhibit 4: If Satan can't fly, explain United Airlines.

Translation: Um, I don't really know what this person is actually asking.

Answer: This one doesn't have an answer yet. Maybe no one understands the question.

Those are just four of the amazing questions and answers I've found on Yahoo Answers, and it's only been an hour of searching. I laughed, I cried, I've achieved enlightenment. This site is great. Read it after you read this blog 5-6 times per day.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

10 animals I wish really existed

Today I was thinking about how awesome it would be if there were more horrifying/amusing creatures roaming the earth today. We were roughly 80 million years too late for dinosaurs, and most of the really good ones that remain- sharks, alligators, tigers, unicorns- can't be found in major metropolitan areas. To make myself feel better, I've compiled a list of ten animals I wish really existed.

Dragopus- This half-mythical, tentacled monstrosity spends most of its time in the ocean or on dry land. What? It's versatile. This offspring of a dragon and an octopus is cursed with being extremely angsty, the result of being born wingless. Thanks, genetics.

Hippopotiraffe- What is 18 feet tall, 7,000 pounds, and has sharp teeth and a bad temper? Normally, when something's chasing you the logical solution is to climb a tree to avoid being eaten. Oops, not an option anymore. Unless you find a 19-foot tall branch, then I guess you're fine.

Shat- What animals terrify women? Rats. And what terrifies men? Sharks. Also Pottery Barn. But I digress... What could be more frightening than either of these? How about a family of 11-ounce, disease carrying rodents with razor-sharp teeth and a penchant for eating human flesh living in your walls. Oh, and they probably like Pottery Barn. Run!!!!

Flamingorilla- 800 pounds; able to climb, run, and open doors; hot pink. No, not RuPaul. You don't want to mess with this thing.

Porcupig- This is perhaps the scariest of those on this list. Imagine the most delicious animal of all time...covered in deadly spikes. Damnit! Come on! Why would anyone do that? If this thing existed, I'd know there was no god.

Lobstorck- Tough exoskeleton, the ability to fly, and AWESOME GIANT CLAWS. Luckily, there is no shortage of butter or lemons, so even if the dreaded Lobstork did exist, it wouldn't for long.

Skunkaroo- The Skunkaroo is terrible because, unlike the common skunk, it's really fast. It's bad enough that it can spray with accuracy to 15 feet, but now it can also chase you through the forest, follow you home at speeds of up to 35 MPH, kick in your front door, and ruin your afternoon.

Coyotter- It hunts in packs and builds a badass fort. Enough said.

Groundharpy- This mythical beast is normally tame until February 2. At precisely 7:25 AM it suddenly snaps, tearing anything around it asunder. Of course, the slaughter lasts for about 3 minutes, then it just goes back to sleep. Bottom line- if you're dumb enough to be anywhere near the Groundharpy when it wakes up, you deserve what happens next.

Vampire Bass- The Vampire Bass gets a bad rap. True, it sucks the blood of the innocent and turns them into denizens of the night, but it's much lower in cholesterol than people think. Pan-seared with a side of potatoes au gratin and you've got quite the delicious unholy meal. Just make sure your recipe doesn't include garlic.

So there you have it, the ten worst corruptions of genetics in the history of the world. Luckily, none of these exist...yet.

Special Note: bonus points for anyone who can capture an image of any of these rare species. I'll be happy to post updates to this article.